Ooo la la. Summer is here.
So far it has been nothing short of delicious.
Right from the get-go summer included excellent nuggets dripping with liberation and goodness. Such as a weekend galavanting in Catalina with the best of friends, roadtrip featuring yours truly, all my earthly possesions, over indulgence of caffine and sunflower seeds, numerous insect suicides on my windshield and oodles of ear tickling music.
Since arriving home I spent almost an entire day catching up on Project Runway and drinking orange juice and not feeling a twinge of guilt or laziness but dubbed it "become human again" after finals and all that junk. It was heaven. Today was filled with much needed Brooke AYALA [still not used to that] catch up time over Muchas Gracias [yes Shane, I heeded your advice and half of my burrito is in the fridge] and jaunts to various retail establishments, with the promise of our Art Day tomorrow lingering in the air, yesss. The rest of the day was equally remarkable. Chilled with THE Lawson Boyce McCord and enjoyed teaching him new tricks and having scream contests, we tied. He is one super cool cat my can take my [completely biased, but valid] word for it. That was followed by showing the fam my art from this year and a trip to Sonic.
Ahh summer, I missed you.
Now off to listen to some Dashboard [duh, only the anthem of summer] and make some knick knacks.
You officially have permission to live vicariously through my futile attempts at summer until your summer arrives...I've been doing so to others for weeks, very fufilling. Ready, go.
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