Friday, February 25, 2011

happy mind, happy eyes.

im f i n a l l y making progress towards my show! ptl.
for one of my classes we had to take 1,000 photos and do something interesting with them. dang.
all the while i was trying to brainstorm for my show, so i combined the two projects together.

below are a few sketches of ideas i would like to play out in my show.. really vague ideas at this point, but still ideas.
for these images i took a picture of my photo slideshow on my computer. as each image changed, they overlapped and i captured that overlap.
the interactions are so interesting and completely spontaneous, i had no control over their relationship, just over when i documented their interaction.
this was such a rich experience for me, i enjoyed every second.
i shot 500 of these interactions and printed 45 of them on vellum (an opaque paper substance) creating a book so you are able to see through both images to the images on the  next page.
this is just a teaser of a few, but i thought i'd keep you posted on what i've been working on/thinking about.
since this project i've made significant progress towards my show and it's changed quite a bit, which is great. not ready to post those yet though... you'll just have to see them MAY 2ND!

(copyright rachel mccord photography 2011... stealing is wrong)

Friday, February 18, 2011

i get paid to do this

just somethin for the yearbook.
even though i get paid to do this...i would still do it, even if i didn't get paid.
im making a divider for one of the spreads for the Biolan spelling out the word "academics" through books, by actually cutting through each word to spell it out.
it looks pretty rad, i'm really happy with it so far. even though i only have 3 letters, with like 2 hours spent on each... but nbd, i can never get enough of working with my hands and my headphones.
i love that this is my job. and that i get to do things that i love everyday, and get paid for it.
let's just hope that trend continues after my undergraduate career is over. [fingers crossed]

Thursday, February 17, 2011

flu blues

may or may not have lost like 5 pounds after having the stomach flu yesterday...
forget dieting, im just gonna start getting the flu!
kidding, but really...all my clothes fit better today/ although that could just be since all i was wearing yesterday was my down comforter and pepto bismol, but still.

happy health my friends,
please don't get the flu - its ze worst.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

don't judge

im obsessed with this song right now. stuck in my head a l l day.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


im a sad girl today.
and will be for a while from what i can tell.
can't wait till i'm not not sad anymore.
but i just don't know when that will be.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

bits of things

first week of school. check.
after a a few classes, lots of emailing, meetings, shoots, projects, brainstortming, wandering about, best friend visits, quick disneyland nights, some old friend catch-ups over dinner and viewing of star trek 4... thus ends the first week, with heaps of sentimentality.

huge news. got a job offer this weekend (!!!) a real life big-girl job where i would be payed to do what i love to do. still praying, we'll see what God's got goin on. but real real exciting to seriously consider a viable option such as this so early in the semester before the final stages of "what the hell am i going to do with my life" panic ensues.

in other news, i realize i have posted z e r o proof of my visit overseas... so here you are. its a tease, with only one but let's be honest... there's no way you want to sift through over 2,000 that i took. forreal.

venice. only one of the most delightful/photogenic cities in ze world.

i move into my studio this week and will get to work on my show/life/work/humanity, ha.