Thursday, May 21, 2009

Alive and kickin'

Yes ladies and gents, you heard it here first...

After weeks of late nighters, all nighters, study guides, multiple diet cokes and chai bombs, lots of cutting, hot gluing, drawing, reading, art critiquing and exam taking...I am alive and a college junior, surprisingly.

This year definitely calls for a time of refection. Corny, but go with it, yeah?

This year has contained:

-The discovery and perusal of art, my sneaky underlying passion

-Along with that discovery, came the meetings of many interesting artistic people which I grew along side of and some of them I greatly admire because of their heart, passion, talent and drive

-The general "growing into my own skin", self discovery, self discipline, self contemplation and leaving a little more of myself behind while growing up a little more

-Finding and becoming and active part, in both music and youth ministry, of an amazing church body that I am pleased to call my home

-Road trips home, losing my voice as a result of too much/never enough song belting

-Having delicious adventures with my best friends all over ze stinkin place, some of my favorite memories are with those beautiful fools

-Frangelaaaa Blake. Who I will miss as she gallavants on the East Coast next fall.

-Gossip girl, The OC, Friends, The Office, Lost, and Gilmore Girls...oh the great time I had wasting time with you

-Naps, naps that saved my life and enriched my life

-Classes that rocked my world and world view and professors that I wish I could hang out with everyday

-Regular college gems such as: Top Ramen, weekly PB&J's, procrastination, school wide dances, longer than usual dinners, birthday celebrations, literally pinching pennies, waiting to do laundry until your outfit consists of no pants, and lots and lots of cheap or free goodies.

-Singing, with friends, in chapel, hymns every day in Theology (fave), in the car, at church, everywhere...sing.

-SPRING BANQUET with Amy Emily Trisha and Chelsea. Blast. SUCH a blast.

-Many love nook sessions in Shan and Eliz's room

-Tea, lots of great tea

-Go Lucky Clothing. Rise and fall and all the greatness inbetween.

-Finally understanding that I am not: what I wear, what grade I get, where I'm from, what I'm doing with the rest of my life, or who my friends are...I am a daughter of God.

-Danae and Brooke visiting me at school, me and Brooke visiting Danae at school

-Ha, awkward anything and everything

-Finding new things out about God, myself and my friends literally daily.

- LAWSON BOYCE MCCORD. His entrance and awesome existence in the world. holler.

-I learned even more that God's gift to me is encouragement, and I milked that baby for all its worth, and it never got tired. Thanks Jesus.

-I ate, I drank and was merry.

-I was with my family when they needed it most. Even though I was far away.

-Deepening my friendships and making WHOLE new ones, treasures seriously

-Wow, I did a lot more than I thought I had...carry on

- I've made a traveling circus, house out of twigs, chair with melting clocks, headdress for an angel, drawn nearly naked people (faves: BIG man named mike, wore only a fig leaf, and old Jerry prop of choice, baseball bat and white thong. yum) and don't suck terribly, taken some sweet photos and LOVED putting my anxious little hands to work to make something great, or at least try to

-I've adored being a part of the Biola community, feeling the presence and joy of the Lord on campus, among the faculty and students and in my dorm. This place is filled with purpose, passion, drive, spiritual foundations that are clung to and a community that won't quit. I'm so blessed to be here.

-Angela and I laugh more than any two people should be physically capeable. It's a dream

-I've learned that I will never stop learning. And I love that.

Bring it Junior year, you've got some tough compitition:

-Living/ working in the same office with SHANNON TIERNEY, Grace and Andrea. Constant greatness. In our off campus apartment. Joyus.

-Taking all art classes but one lit class next fall. Even more joyus.

-Going back to Mosaic. YEEES, church.

-Starting my job on Social Board Staff, planning and executing Biola events for all students

-Enjoying friends, life and more SoCal love.

I think we may have a winner....

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