Friday, February 27, 2009

The 'haps.

Well, I don't have many exciting things to say, but I WILL say....

Life is busy, friends are super, family is far away, and summer is farther.

The semester is starting to pick up a bit and projects are due left and right, I've already pulled a semi-all nighter...not too shabby.

I am now employed. Bye bye LA Fitness, hello Jamba Juice. Oh, the life and jobs of a young college student....thrilling, ha.

I've fully embraced the thought of a three hour nap and the reality of a 20 minute one.

I nearly had some serious man fun time, but God took care of that one, quickly and unfortunately so.

I woke up this morning with a sore throat, and have been popping vitamin c like nobody's business.

This weekend I will be attending a best friend's birthday celebration, and another friend's engagement celebration. I will be doing much celebrating in the next few days.

I haven't been knitting as much as I'd like, I feel guilty for neglecting it. I can hear my unfinished scarf calling to me...hmm, i must answer.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Everything tastes like sawdust

Yes, sir. I just got back from my 3D Design class and apparently I have to become a skilled craftswoman in order to pass the class. I haven't had the coziest relationship with fast moving steel machinery in my life thus far. I remember one time, back on the farm, when we were using the wood cutter out in a field, Lauren stood too close to it aaaaand her jacket caught on fire. As dramatic and exciting as it was, it has pretty much made me steer clear of such contraptions...understandably. I guess I just figured I could bat my eyelashes at some strong man and he would just handle all that saw business for me, but my plans are normally shortlived. Shoot.

But, much to my dismay, I am now woodshop certified. I can now operate 4 different kinds of crazy saws and a super high pressured staple gun. Which, my prof informed us, a girl shot a staple through her finger...a few WEEKS ago. Perfect, I'm psyched. There have been whispers around the woodshop about an electric sander as well...hmm. Who knew so much handy-work was involved in this 3D business. Hmm, well it's a good thing I am very fond of my appendages and will do whatever necessary not to have them sliced off. Here's to hoping.

Now if you will excuse me, I have to go shake out the sawdust out of my hair and keep blowing my nose so everything stops smelling and tasting like wood. Even though I've always loved the outdoors, I'd rather it didn't take permanent residence in my nasal passages :)

Friday, February 13, 2009


I may have just overcame my largest emotional hurdle. SHOOT. It feels so crazy to have it out of my life and heart. I've been holding on to a broken friendship that ended horribly and has been hanging in the balance from a few years ago, and with an odd turn of events, spoke with that friend today and it is officially done. I don't really know what to do with myself. That sounds way more pathetic than I intend it to. I just realized that even though, in my heart of hearts I thought I had forgiven them, I was bitterly clinging to that hurt, by a quickly fraying thread. And tonight, after many tears, prayers, phone calls to my mother, sister, and close friend, I am free. I literally feel so light and at peace. I wish it would've ended differently, oh man do I... I hate it when I know people I care about are upset. But I know that it is part of God's constantly unwinding plan before my eyes. He is good, and would never lead me into something without bringing me out, better, stronger and more loving than when I entered.

Violins, Skulls and Lauryn Hill.

I was walking quickly from my room across campus to my night class because, of course, I'm late. The air was so cold it bit my cheeks as I scurried along in my peacoat and boots.
I'm about half way there when I hear the most beautiful sound slicing the brisk night air and made me stop in my tracks. I search all around me, and peer through the dark over by a tree in the middle of a big lawn on campus. Plopped down so comfortably was, I believe, a student playing the violin. I know it was a hymn, and I stood there for a few minutes trying to place it, but couldn't quite get it. But it was tremendously beautiful. If you know me even a little bit, you are most likely aware for my serious infatuation with the violin, and my strong desire to learn in later in my life, but for sure before I leave this world.

There was just something about the piercing but melodic jolt of music that literally made me stop and listen. I was pretty much mesmerized. It made me oddly evaluate things in my life and ask myself questions. Questions like, who is that guy? I would like to befriend him, what a champ. And, what in my life is equivalent to this? What makes me want to "plop down and play" in my life? But most importantly, God, why are you showing me this? What do you have to teach me through this beautiful display of talent and simplicity? Still no solid answers formulated yet, I'll keep you posted.

All the while, time goes on...go figure. And I am now 10 minutes late to class. Shoot. So, I get to photo class and we learn all the in's and out's of the darkroom and such. I loved it, I've forgotten how much I really enjoy working in the darkroom. There's just something about looking down into the toxic bath of chemicals and seeing a beautiful image appear before your eyes, that you made. It's borderline magical.

So, after class, around 10pm, I headed to the painting studio to do a homework still life for one of my classes. I get there and there are a few other students doing the same thing. They both have iPod's plugged in and are sketching away. I get there, and decide not to listen to music and just try to focus on what I was drawing. When the other girls left, I was getting sleepy and put on and pressed play on whatever CD was in the stereo, and began drawing again. Then Lauryn Hill comes pumping through the speakers, and I just giggle to myself. I love Lauryn, she's wonderful, what a cute suprise. And so there I am, by myself at almost midnight, in a deserted studio on the edge of campus, drawing a crazy looking skull and belting Lauryn Hill. Perfect.

And that is why I love my life, friends. The littlest things that just make you want to stop, and soak in everything about the moment you are experiencing. Mmm, mmm.

I'm gonna make some tea now and knit.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Apparently, I am only 25 things. Hmm.

So there's this silly thing running around on facebook that forces you to post 25ish things about yourself for your friends/the world to know about you.
At first, I was completely opposed and scoffed at this idea, how silly, my friends already know me, I thought.
Then, after being tagged in at least 8 maybe 10 of them by my pals, I finally succumbed to the madness and joined in the festivities.
Here it is. Gobble it up. There will be a quiz later, hah.

1. I have recently discovered my artistic side and am pursing it full force, oh dear I may be way in over my head, but am not looking back.

2. I LOVE Oregon. And no one can convince me that there is any state better. Even if you try to convince me and I relent, I really don't, I will always love it. Come and visit, you shall see.

3. I start and finish every day with a constant flow of music. This will sound dramatic, but it's like my heartbeat. It keeps me alive and exciting.

4. There is nothing better than cruising in my jeep, on a hot day, with friends, a delish beverage in hand, and belting...just belting.

5. I went to Italy 2 years ago and fell in love. I must return.

6. I have a serious addiction to scarves. I have a draw full, like 25 plus. They are SO magnificent. I love cold weather, the clothes are just so much cuter.

7. I am a five year old, and love PB+J's, goldfish, apples & cheese and grape jucie. My kids will love me for it. hah.

8. I was a cheerleader all throughout high school and miss it to this day. It was the only place where my loony-ness was not only accepted, but applauded and was put out in some ribbons and a short skirt for the world to see and be excited about. However, my body is eternally jacked up as a result, perfect. But I LOVED every second, best part about high school.

9. My family is ridiculous, people always say that...but its really true. They made me who I am and without them I would make no sense. They are my favorite thing about my life.

10. I serve a God who no doubt thinks I'm and idiot, and loves me insanely regardless. Literally, hallelujah.

11. I love taking pictures, there's just something about it that feels like a crazy trick that only I can control. It's invigorating. I wouldn't call myself a photographer yet, but I hope to be some day.

12. I am a very tactile and smell attached person. If there is a candle or anything that could potentially smell good anywhere near me... I will smell it. And tell you how good it smells (and maybe even give and obscure/exact description of it) and then ask you to smell it. I do the same thing with texturey-looking surfaces. My hands and nose are always moving everywhere, wherever I go.

13. I love pointless teen dramas. I could give you a detailed plot line at any given moment of Gossip Girl, The OC, Gilmore Girls….You name it, its TV gold.

14. I love being outside, it’s so rejuvenating. Camping, wakeboarding, hiking, climbing on things, having adventures. THE best.

15. I could never have a desk job, it would break every exciting bone in my body.

16. I really enjoy being an encouragement to people. To be able to be there for them when they have no hope or any good ideas of what to do. I just love being able to be supportive.

17. My favorite thing is to have no plans. No destination, no time frame, no ideas. I love not having anything set in stone, and then just seeing where it ends up. It gets my blood pumpin.

18. I am deathly afraid of man-hole covers in the street. It is not at all irrational because they MOVE, that’s their whole purpose, and to walk over them knowing full well that they move is just insane. Oh, and storm grates too, can’t do those either.

19. I hate seafood of all kinds. I keep trying, but I’m afraid there’s no hope for seafood and me. We are a lost cause.

20. I know every word to every Dashboard Confessional song. They are my soulmate.

21. My friends are legit. Home friends, school friends, they are all wonderful and hilarious and God picked them out so well for me. They are adventurous, loud, silly, loving, smart, passionate, beautiful, completely ridiculous, driven and all seem to think I’m cool as well, which is a plus. I am richly blessed.

22. Being an aunt is THE coolest thing I've ever experienced, and my nephew is SO boss.

23. I think a man in flannel is THE sexiest thing ever. And now that it’s in style you can imagine how insane it makes me. When there was a Lumberjack GYRAD or something last year I had to leave the room because it was just way too sexy.

24. I love getting ready in the morning; picking out what I’m going to wear is my fave part of the day. There are so many choices, and it feels like creating art; an outward expression of my inner emotion. Think about that the next time you get dressed… its so fun.

25. Jean on jean is repulsive and should not be allowed in public. I wish the fashion police was real, I would LOVE that job. Making American citizens fashion sense suck less, one day at a time.

25. I have super stubby everything. Stubby fingers, toes, hands, legs, you name it. I am a stub.

26. I get lost everywhere. Even in my hometown. And am a terrible driver, although I am making an effort not to suck so much, who knows if that day will ever come.

Love, love, love.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Recent Happenings in the Life of Rachel

- I have only been in school for a week and a half and it feels like 6, hah. Not a good sign.

-Ever since Angela and I moved our beds together its like a jr high sleepover every night. SO much giggling.

- Even though our wall space is almost completely taken over by pictures, posters, flags, leaves and poetry, I feel the compulsive need to find just one more thing to add to our already magnificently overwhelming room.

- I just went to Bikram Yoga for the first time and was happy to come out alive. Okay, exaggeration, but still... yoga in over 100 degree heat is not something I would like to do on a weekly basis.

- One of my favorite rings broke today, I'm either going to hot glue it or bury it tomorrow.

- I went to the beach in January. I'm still inwardly struggling about how I feel about this insane climate change. I still don't think I'm all about 80+ degree heat in January. Buuuut it was great. I think I'm leaning towards not hating it. Woot.

- I sat outside for 2 hours on a Sunday lunch after church with friends. Glorious.

- I discovered the best popsicle today. Coconut dipped in a hard chocolate shell. FANtastic.

- I realized that I love classical music, who knew? Hmm...

- I got a wooden art supply box and I love it more than I even expected. I might scribble on it soon.

- I'm super excited to see He's Just Not That Into You this weekend for dearest Shannon's birthday. I love my friends. Duh, cliche... but if you were here, you would agree wholeheartedly.

- I really enjoy/am deeply terrified of my figure studies class. I drew a 65+ year old man for three hours on Monday. He was wearing an uber skimpy thong and his prop was a baseball bat. He was sitting on a stool on a platform above me. He has no secrets from me, let's just say that....

- Gossip Girl is gonna be over soon, and its a bit distressing because there is so much faux gossip I won't have in my life to keep me entertained until next season. Hmmf.

- I am discovering the power and breadth of the Holy Spirit more and more each day. It can be exhausting to think about, His power is everywhere and in everything.

-Like I said, it's only the second week of classes and I've already skipped one, shoot.

- I miss Lawson and want to squeeze his chubby appendages and make him giggle.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

God is cool.

Not surprising, and completely legit.

I was at the park today. I went to take pics for a photo assignment, but ended up having some Jesus time, in the coolest ways, ergo...God is cool.

First, I went up to the pond to kick it with the massive crowd of ducks, by a cute family that was feeding bread to the little fellas. A little boy kept giving me pieces of bread, such a sweetie. And I was just observing the way the birds were going crazy when the bread was thrown at them, and how they water rolls off their backs and their attentiveness to everything around them.

Then I was walking to the other end of the pond and saw this kid crusin in a little red sports car, crashing into trashcans and stopping to pick up bugs and chase ducks back into the water. I took lots of pics of that little champ. He was a giggler for sure.

While walking around, I kept soaking in the beautiful children and ducks and sunshine, and it was like getting a really good hug.

Moral of the story, go to parks and ponder your life. It's more medicinal than you think.