Thursday, May 14, 2009

Caffine machine.

I have recently discovered I really enjoy coffee. I've always consumed it for its gift of energy, but I am realizing it's just straight up tasty. Maybe this is because I have reaffirmed my love for ChaiBombs (chai and espresso. heaven)...who knows really.

Ahh, this is the most fun, frantic and nostalgic time of year. Finals force you to regurgitate all you pretended to learn over the many months of partial studying, class skipping and note borrowing.
In my case, its back to back all nighters gluing, sketching and photo arranging, which I would take over pouring over a textbook any day. I have literally forgotten how to study and write papers. It took me a whole week to write a 5 page research/response paper last week, seriously? And I have a 8-10 pager due before Wednesday...I started yesterday, we shall see how/when that puppy turns out.
Finals stress?


I'm excited to celebrate my (early) birthday with all my girls before we go our separate ways for the summer, I will miss them dearly. They are such a cooky, fun part of my life. And birthdays are really just an exuse to have a ridiculous good time.
I'm preparing to teach on Sunday to the junior highers, have band practice for my last Sunday in the worship band, have a few shifts of work, few pages of study guides to finish/learn, a self-portrait to draw, a photo final and artist's statement to concoct, two exams to take, paper to turn in, 9 chapels to attend (yeah, right...let's push for three), my whole life to pack up, and then...we are free and clear my friends. I'm oddly excited for my 11 hour solo road trip. It'll be good to have some solotude for a day. Hello summer '09, can't wait to join you in blissful merriment next week.

1 comment:

Brian Pannell said...

you're in a band? Do tell