Saturday, July 26, 2008

Itchin' for some artwork

The past couple of days, I've just been wishing I had a house (of my own) that I could decorate and fill with goodies. Maybe it's the fact that my sister keeps getting Pottery Barn magazines aaand I keep looking at them, or I'm just eager to have place of my own, who knows. The point is that I want some art. I want some legit artsy art that I can put up in my own place and just drown the walls with funk and obscurity. I want to have a place that you walk into and just know its mine without having to ask any questions, but just look around my house to figure me out.

When I was in Europe last summer with my fam we went to tons of museums and there really are loads of awesome art out there that I wanna score a piece of. Degas was my favorite artist after much deliberation. Monet and Van Gogh were runner ups for sure, but I thought Degas would look rad in my new (fictional, remember) house.

Maybe that's why I wanna be an art major? Not to copy cat the greats or anything, but to somehow recreate their creations after being jumbled in my mind and then redistributed to something resembling art. Eh, who knows, maybe someone will be itchin' for some of my art someday... I can only hope. Till then, I'll settle for someone else's.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Oh shoot, what am I doing with my life?

Yuck. Why am I so decisive when it comes to a pair of shoes or a movie, but when it comes to major life choices...I'm absolutely awful! It's because I like to think I'm waaay smart about my decisions that don't mean anything, to cover up my serious life decision making skills. Yeah, I know, no bueno.

Where does all this decision evaluation come from? I'm switching my major, again, but instead of from undeclared to Biblical Studies, its from Biblical Studies to undeclared...tricky huh? The more I think about being a Bible major the more I find myself saying "really? really...wait really?" And that's never a good sign with me because that usually means I did something silly.

I think I chose to major in Bible because I love the Lord, the Bible and want to share that with others, but first be educated to do so. But the truth is, I know I am going to have that same passion regardless of what profession I choose, so why spend thousands of dollars on something I am already planning and wanting to do, instead of learning an actual skill that I can use to glorify God.

So what do I plan to do now, you ask? Well, good question... I don't really know. Art my be an option, Journalism may be an option, shoot Psych may even be an option. The truth is, I really don't know where I'm going, and I think I like it that way.