Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I guess I forgot that I am a weird transition maker.
It always takes me longer to adapt to radical surrounding changes than I feel like it should.
Once I got home for summer, I was still in such a flurry of caffeine highs and all time lack of sleep lows...I was in restoration mode. Now that I'm a functioning human again I am bored out of my mind (huge overstatement, but you follow). Going from constant games of catch-up, homework, work, school, class, and friends to a house, in a neighborhood, with only a few friends in the area and family and NO job, NO homework, NO need to use focused brain power...I'm twitchingly anxious for something to do, ha understandably.

So far I'm working on the job sitch. Have a few leads, smoothie place, coffee place, restaurant, the usual. But I have a couple promising fun things that may fall into place, Lord willing. One would be possibly helping a woman start a high end retail and housewares business from scratch and the other would be a professional photographers assistant. Both way cool, way fun, way interesting, way better than putting liquids in cups and foods on plates...fingers crossed.

I also feel so old. I am aware that I am a baby and have only been out of high school for 2 years, but after going to my high school's graduation and seeing four of my cheerleaders that I spent so much quality time with graaaduate and move on to their last summer before going off to college and being big girls was so so weird. I felt like I was a 25 yr old that night, well aware of my 19 yr old state. It made me realize all the valuable like skills I have learned and things I have discovered about myself and how to adapt to different things and just really how far I've come since that night just 2 years ago.
I texted one of my best guy friends who was also at the grad saying something like,"hey...remember how 2 years ago today we thought we were so fantastic smoking cigars and hottubbing talking about our futures, now nothing could top high school and how awesome it all was in general? We had no idea what laid ahead." We were just a couple of silly little kids trying to figure ourselves out, feeling so grown up and now looking back I realize I am still such a youngin with so much further to go. And I'm peeing my pants in excitement to approach the rest of what will mush together to compile my life.

With that said, I am no longer as anxious about summer, I think I needed that perspective to force myself to chill out, make a plan and just let the chips fall where they may. And make a fab summer LIST! Obviously.

Such as {ah-hem...}

+ Music. hand waiving, body shaking, mind mellowing, bootylicious music
+ Extended periods of intentional laziness
+ Camping, hiking, kayaking, wakeboarding, dancing, bbqing....all the good 'ings really
+ Mass amounts of McCord bonding time {sure to include random family projects that will suck, but later be hilarious and worthwhile}
+ LOTS of art making. Not for a grade, not influenced by any professors, just for the sake of creating. Yes pleeease.
+ Disgusting amounts of friendship time, Sonic happy hours, pool lounging and late night adventuring
+ Counseling at West Main's church camp :) :) :) Love, love, love junior highers. Stoked.
+ Working, at whatever fabulous job my main man JC throws my way
+ Too much picture documentation {secretly not enough documentation}
+ And generally a summer I hope to be filled with lessons learned, stories shared, and days filled with love and compassion.

Yowza, here we go.

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