Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Smelling Salts.

Someone's gonna need to get me a broom, because my brain may or may not have just exploded a little bit.

So, in Theology class today, which is always incredibly insightful and semi-life altering...I was kinda blown away. Normally when walking out of that class, I experience a feeling similar to that of getting off a really reeeally fast roller coaster. Like the kind where the whole time your cheeks are flapping and your hair is permanently plastered in that crazy windblown position, and all you can say is woooooah.
I realize I just made this class sounds a lot more painful/exciting than it actually is, but whatever you get the idea: its intense, insightful and I really enjoy it.

Anyways, today in class my prof was talking about how when we approach the doctrine of Christ, we tend to minimize Christ's humanity as a tactic to emphasize that He was God. All our lives as Christians, we have been focusing on the argument that Christ is in fact God. We have never had trouble trying to convince anyone that Christ was a man...because that is not the issue. The issue is that He is both fully man and fully God, but we seem to push the former to prove the latter. While doing this we dumb down how truly human Christ was, which is the one of the most personal connections we can make with Him; that He was one of us.

The point that hit me the hardest was when my prof related this to how we approach the work of Christ throughout His ministry, and how we trivialize it. "Oh, yeah, duh Jesus walked on water...obviously." "Mmhmm, Jesus changed water to wine, like that's hard or impressive." "Yes, Jesus totally raised people from the dead, I've heard that before, that's old news."
And then he mentioned this phrase...

"The Bible should be like smelling salts."

He then went on to give an amazing parallel. We should read the work and life of Christ in the Gospels and be like, WHAT? SERIOUSLY? Instead of this bored and blase attitude we seem to possess towards the miraculous and seriously mind blowing works of Christ. I know that I have totally adopted this frame of mind, just because I know the story and have heard it a million times, that doesn't mean I should cease to be amazed or excited. This was a huge thought for me.

The Bible should awaken our sleeping souls and revive us to the realization of the insane power and significance of Christ, not only as fully God, but also as fully man.

That is all, ponder that for a bit please, maybe you'll get the roller coaster feeling. I had class 9 hours ago and my hair is still windblown.

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