Shout out time!
I would like to dedicate this blog to my roommate and one of my best friends:
Angela Marie Blake (pictured above).
She is so silly and fantastic and fills my life with so much joy! Who would've thought that when we first met (on fbook, so silly) before even attending Biola, that we would be such close friends! God is so good and I am so blessed to have this little lady in my life, and my room...haha.Angela Marie Blake (pictured above).
As I banged my way around our room in the dark this morning putting up (lame, but also kinda awesome) birthday posters I had made for her last night, I didn't mind that I kept stubbing my toes and running into things, because today she is super cool and has been alive for 20 years, come on...that's pretty neat! Even though I have only known her 2 of these 20 years, I think she's pretty great. And I will continue to appreciate her today as we get a group together and all go out tonight and again next week with our group of girls for our last hurrah of the semester!
Happy Birthday Frange! Love youuu :)
And in other news, I bought two (much anticipated) flannel shirts today, and it has been the semi-highlight of my week so far. Yes they were $5 and yes they were discovered in the little boys department....shhhh. I have had a love for this blessed fabric for years and it has finally weaseled its way into my apparel, touche flannel, touche.
In other OTHER news, I will be returning home in exactly 11 days, a 15 minute art presentation, 10 verse meditations, two exams, and one final design piece from NOW. Yessss. I may need a Diet Coke IV permanently inserted in my veins to do it...but it's gonna happen, I want to be a mindless motionless zombie sooo bad (aka what I will be the first 3 or so days of Christmas break).
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