Monday, December 15, 2008

No lie, funnest weekend of college career thus far.

I know, HUGE statement right?
Well, I'm pretty sure it's all the way true.
This weekend was phenom.


We skipped on over to a Hollywood Hills mansion for a private art show put on by a 4-D Design art class from Biola. A few of my close friends were in it and it was SO good, serious talent.
Also, this little soiree was made complete with the DJ from Black Eyed Peas giving us musical enjoyment for the funny and random. So, that whole night was delightful and cluttered with picture taking, dress wearing, art appreciating, laughing and dancing.

And possibly the funnest part was walking a mile up hill on a horribly paved road in awkward and funny.



GYRAD (Get Your Roommate A Date) on my floor in my dorm. We did every stereotypical group date activity possible but it was actually really great. Everything from, photo scavenger hunt to In-n-Out, to a Christmas light show, to Pazookie's, to playing Apples to Apples for hours on end. Fantaaastic. It was even more special because my date was one of my very best guy friends is LEAVING next semester, so this was a great last night of memories. Oh man, I havn't laughed as hard as I did that night in a ridiculoulsy long time...



Was our last Mosaic (my church, that I LOVE) outting of the semester, so we had to go out with a bang. We tried to do everything the same way we always do, but just better because it was the last time we we would ever do it! It was a super pleasant afternoon, especially because we had our last Sunday brunch all together, very bittersweet.
And then Sunday night we celebrated my Angela's birthday by taking her to a suprise location. We went to Veronese, a precious and ecclectic tea house where we enjoyed tea, crepes and each others company.

We were going for American Gothic...naturally.

Well, as all things do...this fantastic weekend has come to a close. Now its time to open my books so I can get my finals outta the way and make the long snowy journey home to Oregon.
Readyyy? Go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"We tried to do everything the same way we always do, but just better because it was the last time we we would ever do it! It was a super pleasant afternoon, especially because we had our last Sunday brunch all together, very bittersweet."

contrary to popular belief, i'm almost positive that we will go back next semester. ALMOST but not completely sure.