Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Next Stop: Crazy.

Today I am running on 3 hours of sleep, half a bagel and Christmas spirit.

I spent 8 hours last night with one of my fave classmates, writing a 1 page paper... ONE PAGE. Hence, next stop: crazy. Considering I only spent about an hour tops on the previous two papers, I guess we both figured it was time to step it up a notch...or 6. The dilemma with this paper was we had to summarize ALL our beliefs on Christ and dumb it down to short sentences and back each one up with biblical reference...gross. But I learned a whole heck of a lot and hopefully that will pay off, both in the grade book and in the long run.

I've gotta go take a nap or two and start/finish my final presentation for my drawing class in a few hours. But until then, I will survive of the Christmas cheer I developed in Christmas chapel today...mmm, delicious.

1 comment:

Angela said...

haha you are ridiculous. and i bet you got really excited when you saw that there was a comment haha.

pleaseee sleep tonight!