Saturday, December 27, 2008

I feel the need to explain... blog title.

Well, if you know me at all, you would know that I have a serious infatuation with a little band called Dashboard Confessional. For some reason those boys just do the trick for me every time and have marked major moments and events in my life.
I'm a biiiiig memory attacher, to anything really...smells, certain clothes, songs, places, sounds... I attach. I don't feel this is unusual, I actually kind of like it about myself. It's like I give myself dejavu on purpose, little flags in my mind of things I enjoyed previously...hmm, yes.

Moving on, my blog title. There have been many a days, like today, when I just put on Dashboard, sit on my bed or outside, with my journal and a pen and just think, let it sink, and respond. There is a particular song, The Best Deceptions, that was inspirational enough at the time to redeem the honor of titling this little chunk of cyberspace that I call my own.

I guess it just struck a cord in me to break out, speak out and act out. The best line, hands down is "Don't you see, don't you see that the charade is over? And all the best deceptions and the clever cover story awards go to you." I guess it just woke me up a little bit, dusted off my consciousness and kicked it into gear. Its actually what got me thinking about starting to blog. DB is pretty inspirational like that (the crazy passion in his voice helped a bit as well). It has a way of pinching my heart and waking it up long enough to realize I've been standing still too long, and that I need to move.

I suppose the best way to put it is that in my life, the charade is over... and its time to be real. Which is the type of thing I will try to convey through this blog.
So, now you know.

1 comment:

Angela said...

thank you for clarifying little baby!