Monday, June 22, 2009


Sometimes I wish I could live on an island.
No people, no tv, no school, no responsibilities, no future to aspire to have necessarily, no sounds besides nature and the voice of God, no sights besides the beautiful endless ocean, and no scope of time besides the rising and setting of the sun...sometimes it sounds delicious.
But then I realize this would mean no fond memories to be made, no hugs, no laughter with loved ones, no music which inspires my heart and kicks my soul into gear, no holding hands besides my own, no passing of time which brings wisdom and experience, no pictures, no snowy evenings, no morning coffee, no midnight chats with mom or dad...and even more than sometimes, it sounds dreadful.

There have been more times in my life, now is one of those times, that I think about what lies ahead of me. I am a 20 yr old college student with the world at my fingertips. Great upbringing, amazing family, great education, servant of an amazing Savior, friend to many, love for many more, a desire to adventure and succeed...I can essentially do anything. Yet my mind spins around this concept of anything, leaving me feeling puzzled, overwhelmed, indecisive and unprepared for what that anything might be. I have so much left to learn, so many more places to go, so many more people to meet. There is always something more for me to push my mind to embrace. There is always something more for me to think, feel, learn, know and love. There is always...something.

My sometimes have now turned into always.

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