Monday, March 30, 2009

I am realizing.

I am realizing that I have a very specific personality trait that just comes naturally. When I stop and think, "Oh, wait, everyone does this." I'm realizing that they don't, and that really bums me out. I'm realizing more and more than I have the urge to include and encourage. If a friend is in need of a hug, some reassurance or a few hours of my time, I'm there. If encouragement means just showing up or keeping them in prayer, I'm all over it, it energizes me to comfort others and see them succeed. I'm realizing God put this on my heart and in my actions to better love people. Care and exhortation is the way that I show love and when other people don't carry this out as naturally as I do, its discouraging. But then I become aware that they have been blessed with things that are far from what I do or am.

Being blessed in so many different ways practically screams teamwork in the kingdom of God. But do we work together? I know I am guilty of being selfish and not looking to others for things I can't do, but instead figuring them out on my own, and failing. I am realizing that I not only need to continue to encourage others, but look for in them the traits that they possess that I do not. And after finding those traits, playing upon them and seeking them out so that we can create something pretty fantastic. I'm realizing a lot of things lately.

1 comment:

Michael said...

That was really insightful! I'm kinda similar. I'm all about helping people out and taking care of them, but I tend to not look for other people to help me out. I don't ever let other people help me when they try to half the time. I never thought of it as a teamwork thing before. Props.