Monday, December 21, 2009


after a ridiculously difficult semester in all facets of my life, never have i been happier to come home.

as soon as i got here, i was welcomed by lovely rain, christmas decorations, my favorite cookies, and that wonderful pine tree smell.

i beat my family home from wherever they were, and fell asleep on the couch, awakened later by lawson screaming like a wild child, bella barking and many hugs & kisses from my beloved family. the days continued with dinners, shopping, movie watching, oversleeping, and love - lots of intentional love... that i didn't know i needed so badly.

a few days have gone by and i'm becoming less like a zombie and more like myself.

i'm working on some issues within my heart, but am hoping to put them behind me soon and be thankful for them instead of hurt by them. and trying not to understand because i don't think i ever will, but to accept / get over / and get on with my life.

when the day comes that i can reflect peaceably and have no more sadness or stress - i will know that this stormy season of my life is over, and that i will be able to further appreciate the new mercies and ways of growth God will allow me to experience in these upcoming months.

if i have learned anything from these constantly difficult past four months, its that God is:

faithful, present and persistent.

i know without a doubt that he presented me with countless obstacles, so through overcoming them i would grow a little more into the woman he created me to be.
even though it sucked, a lot.

that's not to say there weren't amazing things that happened this semester, there were many. here are a few.

- having the privilege of getting deeper rooted in my church
family through music and youth ministries

- being treasured by and belonging to one person
and the amazing gift that is.
as well as memories made, life lived, and love my heart gave

- finally admitting my passion and pursuing it full force,
even though i am still terrified of what that means as a career

- watching all 10 seasons of friends,
a pointless, but much needed personal victory

- and discovering that in my constant weakness
God's strength & love are made perfect.

here's to six beautiful weeks of home, love, and rest that i so sincerely need. {sigh}


Anonymous said...

I am proud of you for not only surviving this hard semester but having the knowledge and maturity to reflect on it now and gain insight and strength from it. That is a hard thing to do that most do not. Love you.

Brian Pannell said...

and do not forget that your co-bro loves you wildly and thinks the world of you!