Saturday, December 26, 2009


i've been home a week and my suitcase still looks like it erupted and left its remains in every available surface of my bedroom floor.

there's been dance parties, high school parties, nephew parties, best friend-frozen pizza-couch potato parties, sleeping in till noon parties and joyously-remembering-i-don't-have-to-go-to-class-or-do-homework parties {those happen often, and are delicious}

my tummy is full, as well as my heart... it wiggled around in there and made room for some joy.
Christmas was beautiful & full of family, food, and festivities... top notch.

there's been talk of ice skating, sledding and snowman making in the near future... i like all of these things and am savoring all this incredibly wintery business.

well, the melodious tunes of iron and wine & bon iver are now bringing sleep to my eyes and mind once again.

{christmas photos soon}

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

My bedroom is the exact same way. Now, not only do I have suitcase eruption AND clean laundry eruption, but I have new Christmas present eruption, most of them still in their boxes laying open on my floor.
