Monday, November 24, 2008

Me and Art...and our love/hate relationship.


That in my three hour classes I never use my hands for taking notes, only for creating things.

That after we finish a project we bring in snacks, put all our work on the wall and talk about them all, for 3 hours. Amazing.

That 20 students can be given the same project and same materials, and 20 completely unique, expressive and thoughtful pieces come out of it.

That in everyday life I wonder how long it would take me to draw the object I'm looking at or where the light hits on something I pass by.

That the creativity I have tapped in to through these classes has flown into every aspect of my life, my clothes, my walls, my thoughts, and my conversations.

That today in my drawing class my prof took us to watch one of the figure painting professors, paint from a model for three hours. It was amazing to watch the transformation from blank canvas to a successful piece and to hear his thoughts along the way.

That we have an entire wall in my dorm room dedicated to all the silly things I create. Affectionately titled "The Art Wall"'s that for creative?

That after all my art history classes I will never have to write a paper for the rest of my college career...mmm, delicious.


That no matter what you create, someone will always find at least 10 things you should've done differently.

That I get artist block like people get writer's block...the thinking just stops.

That no matter how many times I try, I canNOT draw an angle without a ruler to save my life.

That I still pale in comparison on the level of artsyness my fellow art majors seem to be on.

That I feel like artists speak gibberish/a different language, but I am slowly learning.

That art is so subjective, and that everyone feels entitled to give their opinion.

All in all, I'm learning everyday that God has created each mind and heart to express its inward workings in its individual manner.
I am still discovering what mine is.
And even though it's gonna be hell to get there, I can't waaaait.

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