Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Duh, why wouldn't you sign it?

OK! SO, I just found out about this website ( regarding the complete legalization of abortion...WOAH, hold on!
So take a sec and read over this info, GO TO THE WEBSITE, fill out your name and address. It just takes a second and could make a huge difference in our country! So get out there, be informed, and be active.

"The first thing I’d do as President is sign the Freedom of Choice Act. That’s the first thing I’d do." -President-Elect Obama

The Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) would eliminate every restriction on abortion nationwide.
-FOCA will do away with the state laws on parental involvement, on partial birth abortion, and on all other protections.
-FOCA will compel taxpayer funding of abortions.
-FOCA will force faith-based hospitals and healthcare facilities to perform abortions.

Barak Obama believes this legislation will "end abortion wars." To him this means eradicating every state and federal law on abortion - laws that the majority of Americans support.

The time to Fight FOCA is now. With Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid in charge of Congress, we can expect a fight over FOCA to begin as soon as the next Congress begins.

Please add your name to the FIGHT FOCA petition and let your friends know about President-Elect Barak Obama's promise is expand abortion throughout the country.

The FightFOCA petition will be sent to key members of congress upon the re-introcduction of the Freedom of Choice Act in the 111th Congress, and to President-Elect Obama. (all information was taken from:

So....duh, right? That's what I thought too. Get out there and save some babies, sign, sign, sign!!

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