Thursday, November 20, 2008

It's Oregon time now, yes? Yes...

Ahhhhh, so ready for this. I know this picture is semi-creepy, but in reality, it looks awesome right now.

I am SO ready to be in Meddy, it's a little ridiculous. It's not even the fact that I'm homesick, even though it will be great to see everyone and be home. I am DYING to be cold, wear boots and scarves, get coffee with my sister, cuddle with Lawson, cook T-Give dinner with the fam, laugh and catch up, see my breath when I'm outside, eat food that wasn't mass produced for 5,000 people, and actually clean a dish or two instead of setting it on a revolving tray and watching it disappear. I can't wait to lie on the couch, and not think or talk or be productive by any means. Mmmm...please tell me that sounds incredible, and if it doesn't you are silly.

I'm pretty sure that I'm just so insanely over schoolwork and being at school that I just need retreat to the 541 ASAP and me a mindless noodle for a few days.

This little lady looks so zen, and relaxed in that cozy chair. Her hair is just blowing in the breeze....she is out cold and has no shame. I can't wait to sleep and not set my alarm, that sounds heavenly.

Clearly, I am ready for a break. To say the least I am burnt out, and need to recharge my batteries in the place I love most with the people I love most. And then come back to good old school and attack the last few weeks of the semester with full force.

I'm comin' Oregon...just hold on a few more days, and then our much anticipated reunion can commence.

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