Happenings in my life as of late:
- New phone. Loving it, and loving having a phone in general after being w/out one for a few weeks.
- Discovered the BEST Mango Sorbet at Fresh&Easy for $2.... made my day.
- Mono is almost gone! Praise Jesus, I should be released to normal activity this week {fingers crossed} which still means I'll be a zombie for a while longer, but still.
- Countdown {18 days} till Thanksgiving in glorious Oregon for SEVEN WHOLE DAYS.
- Since we're counting down, countdown to see Shane at home in glorious Oregon {22 days}
- Cocoa Butter lotion... genius
- My job... still great, still fun, still love to do it.
- School is ridiculous as usual and I'm realizing more and more how horrible I am at design, and how I can't wait to start my photo emphasis next semester.
- The desire to do nothing but sit on my couch and look online at amazing images all day, several times this weekend I have done this for hours at a time... not so helpful for the productivity, but great for the creative imagination.
- Can't wait to start doing yoga again after Mono's over.
- Pretty soon I'll be helping to lead a high school girl's Bible study with the girls at my church, can't wait for that. Saturday mornings spent at Starbucks with some growing Goldly gals, sounds pretty great. I wish I'd had that in high school.
- Electronica and folk music are becoming an ever present part of my audio life, no complaints here.
- Since September I have finished all: 10 seasons of Friends, 2 Seasons of Gossip Girl and am now starting The OC season again... woah. Thank God we don't have real television, I'd be hosed.
- I'm realizing God pretty much always knows what he's doing and I just need to get the heck outta the way.
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