Friday, November 27, 2009


"You are my God, and I will give you thanks;
you are my God, and I will exalt you."
Psalms 118:28

This year I am thankful for more things than I can even write down.

Most importantly I am thankful for my incredible family. With the lost jobs, new jobs, illnesses, new life, growth of relationships, and the provision of the Lord amongst it all has been an amazing thing to witness and be a part of.

I am more than ever thankful for health this year. Being sick for 3 months in the heat of difficulty in my life was ridiculously challenging and I constantly wanted to give up, drop out, go home and hide under the covers waiting for it all to fade away, but I didn't. I didn't because of the strength and steadfast comfort of the Lord that I am here healthy and getting better everyday. He is my healer.

I am also thankful that God has led me to where he wants me to be with the choice to pursue photography for my Bachelor's degree and has given me the confidence to seek, learn, enjoy and be immersed in this new train of thought that I had previously pushed aside for fear that I was insufficient and wouldn't be liked or successful. But this year I have learned that is not a good enough reason not to pursue my dream and passion. So, now I am and it's been incredible thus far. I get excited just thinking about it.

I am thankful to even be blessed enough to go to an institution like the one I attend. It's been one of the greatest blessings and definitely the most fruitful 3 years I have experienced to date. The Lord provided once again, when it looked as if I wasn't able to return this year and that was one of the biggest blessings of the year. I can't wait to see what the remainder of my time at Biola holds for me, because I know that is where I am supposed to be.

I am thankful for Shane, this amazing man that happened to me this summer. Everyday, even though we are apart, is better because he is a part of it. He is a lover of God and people. We are completely opposite, but completely similar in many ways that we endlessly compliment each other. I can't wait to see what kind of adventures we will continue to have.

I am thankful for the amazing friends that bless me daily, bring me joy and wisdom overflowing. I can't believe that they will not always be in my life so I want to make sure to take the time to appreciate them to the fullest.

And not lastly, but not at all least... I am thankful for my God. None of these innumerable blessings would be prevalent in my life had he not chosen to pour out his love on me and bless me richly far beyond what I deserve. Everyday is new with him, every mercy is shown by him, every step is guided by him and I am always blown away. Praise him.

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