Wednesday, October 21, 2009

thanks jesus.

I went to my mailbox today and found an encouraging card and some monies from my Gramma. Just when my happy thoughts and bank account were running low, God provided security and encouragement.

Life updates:

- Mono - I shooould be released next week back to normal activities {such as walking semi long distances, lifting things, the return of my social life, being able to stay awake... that sort of thing}, but will still have to take it easy for several more weeks. A new weird symptom... everything else feels fine but I'm even more exhausted than ever, which is apparently and unfortunately normal at this stage. yuck

- Phone - Still broken, but I'm learning how to operate amongst the cell obsessed environment in which I dwell, and thanks to mis padres I will have a new telephono soon

- Shane - Gets here TOMORROW. Can't really focus on much else. Too bad he'll most likely get Mono, whoops.

- Work - Our biggest event of the Fall, the Punk n' Pie Talent Show is next week so I'm stoked to work on that and see how it turns out

-School - I have decided to change my degree emphasis to Photography {with a bit of design thrown in} and couldn't be more excited about further pursuing my passion in the medium of photo, I've been ignoring it/scared of committing to it for a while, but I couldn't be happier that I've chosen it now.

- I miss - Home, my familia, my little tot nephews, fall in Oregon, being cold, high school football season, having energy, giggling with my gal pals and not worrying about school

- God - Is good. And has been teaching, challenging and stretching me in almost every possible way this past few weeks

-Photo - Because I love it and you should too...

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