Saturday, October 31, 2009

Pies, pumpkins and talented people

Last night was one of Biola's most delicious traditions... Punk 'n' Pie Talent Show.

A night of talent, entertainment, pumpkin pie and the nostalgia of fall.

My staff has been putting it together for a few weeks and it was greaaat to finally see it all come together. This was the first year it was outside on our Administration building's lawn, and it was a huge success. Every other year it has been in our cramped auditorium and squeaky old stadium seats. This year was bring your own blanket and sprawl out wherever you can, it was wonderful.

Myself and Katie, another girl on staff, were the event's MC's. Neither of us having hosted any event before, were nervous and had no idea what to do, but it turned out to be so much fun, I would totally do it again.

The acts were greaaaat. Including solo artists, our dance team, indie-tastic fellah's singing about Pokeman {and an AMAZING cover of "My Girl" by Animal Collective} and a techno rave to the super mario brothers complete with glowsticks for the crowd and many was a well rounded and high energy event.

The winning act {and rightfully so} was a group of guys. The main guy was dressed as Abe Lincoln and said the Gettysburg address, dramatically, from memory and then the song "Proud to Be an American" came on and tons of "American" men came from the audience dressed as: homeless men, construction workers, farmers, policemen, mailmen, cowboys, indians, bikers, baseball fan and all american came on stage doing amazingly bad/great choreography and lots of fist pumps in the air, waving a giant flag in the background and singing at the top of their lungs.

I. was. rolling. So deserved the win. Most hilarous part... 4 of them live next door to me, classic.

One of the greatest MC moments...
We were having technical difficulties with one of the acts so we had seen this dude in a gorilla suit earlier, so we called him out and brought him upstage.... with a slow clap. Epic. In addition to all of the other ridiculous things we said in nervousness/eagerness to fill awkward silences. So great.
I don't have many pics yet, but heres one of Katie and I.

In other news...
I took my lovely friend Emily and her fiance Tony's engagement pictures today and it was so so fun! And now I will be editing pictures like a kid in a candy store for the rest of the night.

IN ADDITION to having a massive junk food/girls night in Halloween with ze best friend, Danae. Mmmmm.

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