Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.... I'm BACK!

I don't know what I was thinking. Tumblr is silly and not exactly blogger friendly, its great for posting pictures, but not thoughts. So... we're back, my thoughts and I.

Sorry we left you in the lurch for a minute there.

In other news, for those of you that are keeping track, Shane is coming on THURSDAY, my phone is broken (may it rest in peace) and the one we had ordered... is in fact back ordered. And I am learning patience in many ways.

ALSO, I learned today that moths do NOT make moth balls. Moth balls are something you put in your closet to repel moths so they won't devour your clothes. So sneaky. Slash a bit sad that I just now learned this important moth-related information.

It's good to be back friends, good to be back.

1 comment:

Angela said...

I love how you had to..
1. Say sorry to your blog for abandoning it for a few days.


2. In order to feel okay with coming back to blogspot you had to reformat it.

I just love you and your ways.