Thursday, August 19, 2010

all my bags are packed im ready to go...

but i'm really not ready to go.
i hate the end of summer. always. every time. never fails.
yes, there's always a part of me that's excited to get back to school, friends and my whole life there... but it never ceases to suck leaving my cozy home and cozy hearts.

even after four years, i still haven't adjusted to packing & unpacking my whole life in the back of my jeep biannually.

even after four years, i always get homesick after my parents leave me with all my possessions and life continues back home while i have to start from scratch again.

even after four years, i always forget how blessed i am to be part of my family, and how much i miss them when i am gone.

even after four years, i'm still not used to being a student... but i also don't want to get used to being a graduate and grown up like the rest of the world 9 months from now. hmm, problem.

well, i suppose its time to face the music.

left to do:
- one last dinner at my grandparent's house
- tetris-pack the crap out of my jeep
- finish my l a s t anthropology class
- say farewell to my beloved oregon until november

readyyyy? go.

1 comment:

Angela said...

totally feel ya. i am all alone in the apt and missing you! summer angela needs to turn into biola angela- sadley haha. or find a happy medium.