Sunday, June 26, 2011

its official.

in my life.... there is no time for blogging.
which is a cryin shame, since i love it so.

when i do get the chance to blog it is either a link or an image or something silly and quick.
i am going the way of convenience and giving you the links to my tumblr and my twitter
(both of which I use consistently for quick updates)

blogspot, you have been lovely. there are so many great things about you. you rock, never change. see ya soon, let's hang out, call me this summer, here's my number [insert other typical yearbook cliche's here], love ya!

so, as promised, let's hang out here:!/rachelmc_cord

and here:

don't you worry, all of you not on tumblr, you will rest safely on my google reader :)


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