Friday, April 8, 2011

w o a h

haven't blogged for like a month. crayzay.

since then i have been:

-conquering biology (and hopefully passing it)
-working like a madwoman on (school/ the biolan/my show, etc)
-enjoying friends
-not really sleeping
-not really eating regularly
-not really ever knowing what day or time it is
-having a very closeknit relationship with starbucks or really anything caffinated in a cup
-wishing the days towards graduation weren't ticking away so quickly.

my show is in TWENTY - FOUR days.
can't wait for it to arrive // can't wait for it to be over.
such is life. bittersweet.

1 comment:

Bri said...

I love you. :) It seems like such a long time ago when we were Freshie Ambassadors. Keep on keeping on - you're almost done!