Friday, February 25, 2011

happy mind, happy eyes.

im f i n a l l y making progress towards my show! ptl.
for one of my classes we had to take 1,000 photos and do something interesting with them. dang.
all the while i was trying to brainstorm for my show, so i combined the two projects together.

below are a few sketches of ideas i would like to play out in my show.. really vague ideas at this point, but still ideas.
for these images i took a picture of my photo slideshow on my computer. as each image changed, they overlapped and i captured that overlap.
the interactions are so interesting and completely spontaneous, i had no control over their relationship, just over when i documented their interaction.
this was such a rich experience for me, i enjoyed every second.
i shot 500 of these interactions and printed 45 of them on vellum (an opaque paper substance) creating a book so you are able to see through both images to the images on the  next page.
this is just a teaser of a few, but i thought i'd keep you posted on what i've been working on/thinking about.
since this project i've made significant progress towards my show and it's changed quite a bit, which is great. not ready to post those yet though... you'll just have to see them MAY 2ND!

(copyright rachel mccord photography 2011... stealing is wrong)

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