Monday, October 11, 2010

tuition dollars paying off

since i've been chatting so much about how out of control my schedule is... i thought i'd show you why.

my second home is mcnally 82: the art lab.
i spend more time here than i do in my apartment these days.
but i don't mind looking like this, if my work looks like this. 
here's some tidbits of projects i've been working on in my advanced photo classes & at work:

large format 4x5 film camera with natural lighting 
printed digitally; triptych format (3 images)

large format 4x5 film camera & studio strobe lighting

35mm film camera layering of multiple negatives
(digital version, darkroom version still to come)

trying my hand in sports photography for work at the biolan.
so much different than what i'm used to shooting, definitely still rusty but learning.

i seriously learn something critically important everrrry day. 
all photo, all the time. nuts. great. love it.

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