Saturday, June 12, 2010

thing[ish] things.

i have been home for nearly two weeks. and i still can't get over the fact that i have been home for nearly two weeks. i was always convinced time moved slower at home but i'm starting to learn that it moves much faster here because i have no schedule to abide by, so time just does whatever the heck it wants.

since i have arrived, and re-nested in dear old meddy, i have been....

-frantically job searching
-enjoying the heck out of my family
-paparazzing my nephews, as per ush.
-watching tv [luxury, such luxury since my tv-less existence at escuela]
-eating lunches with friends
-s l e e p i n g [both too much & not enough]
-crocheting, which there is never time to do
-drowning in the greatness of mccord bbq's
-working on my online class
-getting stuff to my eyeballs with my gramma's insane cuisine
-watching my brovah play softball
-missing my mosaic whittier family
-whipping my bod into summer shape
-taking life slowly, even though it is racing by already

and i cannot wait to...

-go out on ze boat, mmmm.
-find a stinkin j o b
-adventure about being summery
-hang out with dear friends
-turn TWENTY-ONE [pssst, june 18th, a week from yesterday]
-celebrate my beloved shannon tierney's wedding [a week from today]
-drool over the swell season at britt
-drink boba and swim in the nearest body of water until my brain falls out
-soak up my last summer as a college student... bizarre. SO bizarre.

just for funny's sake, here is evidence of hilarious summer adventure #1 with my dearest brooke...
goal: drink wine
problem: don't have a bottle opener
solution: use a drill to crank that sucker out
result: brooke & rachel = 1, cork =0

cheers my friends.

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