Monday, July 14, 2008

Oh shoot, what am I doing with my life?

Yuck. Why am I so decisive when it comes to a pair of shoes or a movie, but when it comes to major life choices...I'm absolutely awful! It's because I like to think I'm waaay smart about my decisions that don't mean anything, to cover up my serious life decision making skills. Yeah, I know, no bueno.

Where does all this decision evaluation come from? I'm switching my major, again, but instead of from undeclared to Biblical Studies, its from Biblical Studies to undeclared...tricky huh? The more I think about being a Bible major the more I find myself saying "really? really...wait really?" And that's never a good sign with me because that usually means I did something silly.

I think I chose to major in Bible because I love the Lord, the Bible and want to share that with others, but first be educated to do so. But the truth is, I know I am going to have that same passion regardless of what profession I choose, so why spend thousands of dollars on something I am already planning and wanting to do, instead of learning an actual skill that I can use to glorify God.

So what do I plan to do now, you ask? Well, good question... I don't really know. Art my be an option, Journalism may be an option, shoot Psych may even be an option. The truth is, I really don't know where I'm going, and I think I like it that way.

1 comment:

Michael said...

I think that being indecisive is a sign that you actually understand what things are important decisions. And what doesn't really make too much of a difference in the long run. It's better than just picking something randomly cause it sounded goo at the time.